Sadly, people put more thought into their once a year holiday celebrations than they do into what they’ll do every day for the rest of their lives. I’m not just talking about career, home ownership, retirement planning, and that kind of thing. I’m talking about the nearly inevitable facets of life that will capture us in some way — usually when we’re not looking.
In case of emergency…break glass?
Make a list and check it twice…
Same old raggedy dress?
Try a little tenderness…
This Thanksgiving, don’t just cruise into town, eat your turkey, and bail — grateful that you got the chance to get away. Talk to (and about if necessary) the seniors in your life and those who care for them. Check for signs of dementia, depression, and desire (that’s just things they want but are doing without for whatever reason). Figure out what you can do to help, and then do it.
A plan might be a better gift for yourself in the long run than the two a.m. summons and frantic activity you may face otherwise.Help might make a better Christmas present than the new gadget you were planning to send.